It is with sadness that we announce that today is Lucy's last day with LMI. We had a lovely time celebrating her, and reminiscing with her this morning.
Lucy was a Youth and Schools Outreach worker with LMI since her internship that began in September 2019. Now she and her lovely husband, Jordan, will be working together to grow their family business Loki's coffee.
Lucy's lovely smile and colourfulness always brightened up the office. Her willingness to take part in whatever was going on, and the fact that she would always go for it, was so appreciated by many of us! There are certainly many happy memories.
In total, Lucy had 6337 interactions with young people across Northern Ireland, with LMI. All an opportunity to give young people a chance to hear God’s truth, which is very close to Lucy's heart.
We are sad to see her go, however we are absolutely delighted that she and Jordan have seen such a success with their business! May God bless them both richly.