Since 1982, LMI’s Bible Teaching Ministry has equipped students all around the world with Bible study courses to aid them to grow spiritually and to know God more intimately through the study of His word.
Time and again our students have testified to being strengthened in their faith, and better equipped for Christian service through our distance learning programmes.
In 67 different nations, more than 2300 students have studied LMI Bible study courses, and we want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has supported our Bible Teaching Ministry down through the years.
Put simply, we could never have achieved this without the support of God’s people – without individuals and churches who share in our passion for providing accessible Bible teaching to Christians around the world.
Gideon Kamut’s journey of learning with LMI
For most LMI students, beginning their studies is a major undertaking, not only because of family and church commitments, but also due to their work-life and English being their second or third language. Undeterred, however, many faithfully work through their studies, sometimes over a period of years, until they complete the course and gain their certificate.
A wonderful example of this is Gideon Katmut, one of our students from Nigeria. Married with three children, and working as an accountant for a Christian organisation, Gideon also serves the Lord as an assistant pastor in his church and overseas a theological education programme in four other churches. He has demonstrated great determination to complete the LMI Certificate in Biblical Studies course, which he commenced in 1999.
Gideon receiving his Certificate in Biblical Studies
Having consistently produced excellent work, Gideon was recently awarded his certificate for completing the course, and you can see just how much it means to him in the photograph. It was presented to him by one of his ministry colleagues, Dr Austin Arthur, the Chairman of the management Committee of Emmaus Bible Centres Mission in Kwang village of Jos, the capital of Plateau State, Nigeria.
For Gideon, completing the Certificate in Biblical Studies was not the end of his journey with our Bible Teaching Ministry. He has already begun our Leadership Study Programme and we wish him every blessing as he continues to study!
Thank you for:
• praying for our students
• donating to our Bible Teaching Ministry
• posting our courses around the world.
The 67 nations (highlighted in green) where students have studied LMI courses