Pakistan Update - LMI Covid-19 International Relief Campaign

LMI supporting the Church in Pakistan via our COVID-19 International Relief Campaign

THANK YOU – In Pakistan, God is using your support to answer heartfelt prayers from people like Paster Naveed Nathaniel 🇵🇰🙂
After LMI’s representative in Pakistan, Pastor Raja Shaleem Samuel, recently provided food parcels for 33 church leaders as part of our COVID-19 International Relief Campaign, Pastor Naveed said:

“I was praying last night when in the very next morning Rev. Raja Shaleem made a call and he offered me help with food.

Read more: Pakistan Update - LMI Covid-19 International Relief Campaign

LMI Trip Down Memory Lane: 2012 Summer Outreach Team in Hungary and Serbia

In the summer of 2012, LMI sent our first Summer Outreach Team to undertake camps in Hungary and Serbia 🇭🇺🇷🇸🙂

Overseen by Pastor Tibor and Agi Szlovak, LMI’s Coordinators for Central and Eastern Europe, the two camps involved a wide variety of activities including Bible teaching and worship, English lessons, crafts, games, quizzes, meals together, excursions, and more.

Read more: LMI Trip Down Memory Lane: 2012 Summer Outreach Team in Hungary and Serbia

LMI Trip Down Memory Lane: YEMF Mobile Literature Unit

During the 1980s and early 1990s, the YEMF Mobile Literature Unit travelled the length and breadth of the country, visiting agricultural shows, game and country fairs and other big events 🗺🚐🙂

The unit was specially built to carry a wide variety of materials and evangelistic aids. These items were available for purchase by anyone who wanted to deepen and grow in their faith and reach others with the truth of God’s word.

Read more: LMI Trip Down Memory Lane: YEMF Mobile Literature Unit