Nepal 2019 - Overseas Ministry Programme Report

Earlier this year, LMI sent an overseas ministry team to one of the most mountainous nations on earth. Home to Mount Everest, Nepal is a beacon for ‘thrill-seekers’ from across the globe. However, our interest was not on peaks but on people, in a country where Christianity is growing but also facing increasing opposition from the state.

Working with LMI’s Coordinator for Nepal, Pastor Hom Tamang, over the course of two and a half weeks the team provided leadership training and visited churches to share from the Bible and bring encouragement.

Read more: Nepal 2019 - Overseas Ministry Programme Report

LMI Impact - South East Asia

As you may know, one of our staff members and his immediate family recently departed Northern Ireland to serve as LMI missionaries in South East Asia.

As part of his role there, he is now teaching at a Bible college, where he is currently lecturing on Hebrews.



Read more: LMI Impact - South East Asia

LMI Youth & Schools Outreach - 2018/19 Statistics

As the 2018/19 school year passes into history, and young minds are fully engaged in ‘holiday mode,’ now is a wonderful time to reflect and praise God for another super year for LMI’s Youth & Schools Outreach Team!

Alison, Becky, Danny, Catalin and Alan have worked hard this year, using their interactive programmes to engage with more than 3600 pupils on a wide range of topics. For every RE class, SU session or event, we give thanks and praise to God! 

Read more: LMI Youth & Schools Outreach - 2018/19 Statistics