Pastor Tibor and Ági Szlovák - Mission Awareness Programme in NI

We’re thrilled to have the LMI Coordinators for Central and Eastern Europe, Pastor Tibor and Ági Szlovák, back in Northern Ireland once more.

Together with LMI staff, they will be visiting churches and groups across the province, explaining about their ministry, their connection with LMI, and encouraging Christians to get involved in mission.

Read more: Pastor Tibor and Ági Szlovák - Mission Awareness Programme in NI

LMI's Bible Teaching Ministry - Update

Earlier today, LMI’s Bible Teaching Ministry Department (BTM) prepared courses that will go to Christians in Africa and Asia, including the nations of Benin, Kenya, Malawi and Zambia.

Please pray that those who receive the courses will benefit greatly from them, as they grow in their knowledge and understanding of God’s word.

If you would like to know more about the BTM, which has been part of LMI's work since 1984, please visit our website.

Read more: LMI's Bible Teaching Ministry - Update

Existence - Special event in Rathfriland High School

LMI would like to extend our deepest thanks to everyone who prayed for the special outreach 'Existence' event last night in Rathfriland High School

We had a wonderful time with kids and we trust they all enjoyed their night. Please continue to pray for them as they consider what they heard about God, His Word and Jesus’ sacrifice upon the cross.

It was truly a joy and a privilege for our Youth and Schools Outreach Team to be involved in the school’s SU Mission Week.

Read more: Existence - Special event in Rathfriland High School