Existence - Rathfriland High School

The LMI Youth and Schools team would truly value your prayers for a very special event taking place in Rathfriland High School tonight.

Beginning at 7.30pm, the LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team – Becky, Catalin and Danny – will lead a special outreach event called “Existence” as part of the school’s SU Mission Week.

The team will explore the purpose of life and why we are here, pointing to Jesus as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, and the Saviour we all need.

Read more: Existence - Rathfriland High School

LMI Podcast - Episode 18 - Philip in Samaria

In the latest LMI Podcast, we begin a new mini-series looking at cross-cultural mission in the Book of Acts. This first instalment looks at Acts 8:1-25: Philip in Samaria.

Available via iTunes, Soundcloud and other players, the podcast is now also on YouTube. We hope you enjoy it.


Youth and Schools Outreach Visit Rainey Endowed School in Magherafelt

Our Youth and Schools Outreach Team are heading to Rainey Endowed with a special guest today, Martha Ward, who has been kindly volunteering with LMI for a number of months.

Becky, Catalin and Martha will meet with school’s Junior SU group to work through our ‘Take the Stand’ programme. This programme aims to inspire young Christians to share their faith with others by challenging them to take their stand for God, and by providing practical tips and biblical examples.

Read more: Youth and Schools Outreach Visit Rainey Endowed School in Magherafelt