Youth and Schools Outreach Team visit Omagh Academy School

We would really value your prayers for Becky and Danny as they head to Omagh Academy today, where they’re taking four RE classes and meeting with the school’s Junior SU group.

The LMI Youth and Schools Outreach team had an excellent day in Carrick College yesterday, and we trust the Lord will continue to use them today for His purposes and glory.


Read more: Youth and Schools Outreach Team visit Omagh Academy School

City of Armagh High School - LMI Youth & Schools Outreach

This lunchtime, the LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team will ‘hit the road’ to City of Armagh High School for Week 3 of Shine.

Week 3 is when the pupils who attend Scripture Union are encouraged to bring their friends along to hear about Jesus, and Catalin will also be sharing a short testimony.

Please pray that God will bless and help Becky and Catalin, and that He will be glorified in everything that takes place.

Read more: City of Armagh High School - LMI Youth & Schools Outreach

Philippines OMP - Update

Logos Ministries international are very pleased to share that Jonathan Winter and John Deaville are continuing to enjoy a fruitful time of overseas ministry in the Philippines.

The duo are now at Maranatha Bible College in Baguio City, where the student body is made up of young people from various Asian nations. Happily, classes have progressed very well through the week, as Jonathan and the students have explored topics such as ‘Contemporary Issues facing Global Missions’.

Read more: Philippines OMP - Update