LMI Y&S Outreach Team at Rathfriland High School

The LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team were back on the road again today, with Rathfriland High School as their destination.

Becky and Danny have just returned after meeting with the school’s SU group, which includes pupils from all the year groups, to complete the two week ‘Love is a Verb’ programme.

Please pray that God will minister to the hearts and minds of the young people as they consider all that was discussed, and please also remember them in your prayers as exam time approaches.

Read more: LMI Y&S Outreach Team at Rathfriland High School

LMI at CMS Ireland's 'Faith in South Sudan' event

Last Friday, our Co-Director, Thomas McClean, was one of the panellists at CMS Ireland’s ‘Faith in South Sudan’ event.

Thomas shared about the work LMI has undertaken in South Sudan with our coordinator there, Rev James Baak. This includes providing leadership training for Church leaders, sponsoring literacy classes, providing thousands of Dinka Rek New Testaments, and much more.

Read more: LMI at CMS Ireland's 'Faith in South Sudan' event

LMI Y&S Outreach Team at Integrated College Dungannon

Integrated College Dungannon is the destination for the LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team today, where they’re meeting with Years 8-10 to discuss the important topic of identity.

Ahead of today’s session, Becky and Danny are pictured with Mrs Janice Vennard, Head of RE at the school.

Please pray that Becky and Danny will know God’s help and blessing as they speak to the young people.

Read more: LMI Y&S Outreach Team at Integrated College Dungannon

LMI at Ambassadors Football Ireland 2017 Churches Cup

On Saturday, JF represented LMI at the Ambassadors Football Ireland Churches Cup competition.

While JF possesses some ‘silky skills’ on the pitch, on this occasion he happily paced the touchline speaking to players about the work of LMI and other things.

As you can see below, JF was also given a few moments to speak to all the teams, and our thanks go to Ambassadors Football Ireland for this great opportunity.

Read more: LMI at Ambassadors Football Ireland 2017 Churches Cup