LMI visit Cookstown Methodist Church

Yesterday, at Cookstown Methodist Church, JF, LMI’s new Mission Awareness Programme Coordinator, spoke at his first meeting since taking up the post.

He delivered a message entitled ‘Blessed for a Purpose’, based on Psalm 67 and Matthew 28:16-20, which challenged the hearers to reach out in the task of making disciples.

Danny Roberts, who travelled with JF, also spoke about the work of LMI in different nations around the world.

Read more: LMI visit Cookstown Methodist Church

LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team visit Ballymoney High School

Last Thursday and Friday, the LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team took six RE classes at Ballymoney High School.

Becky and Danny had a wonderful time with the students and used a number of programmes, including ‘What If?’, ‘It’s a Miracle!’ and ‘Identity’, to encourage the young people to study the claims of Christ and to think about His deity. 

Read more: LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team visit Ballymoney High School

JF returns to LMI!

There was delight all around the LMI office this week as a very familiar face took up his new post in the ministry – JF.

Along with his wife Hazel, JF previously worked in the LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Department.

Now, however, he has returned to the mission to ‘plough a new furrow’, this time as our Mission Awareness Programme Coordinator.


Read more: JF returns to LMI!

Nepal - Support for earthquake survivors

Thanks to your amazing support, since January LMI has provided 30 items of warm clothing, 10 blankets, and 100 plates, spoons and cooking utensils, along with other vital necessities, for earthquake victims in Nepal as part of our Overseas Ministry. 

The earthquake in April 2015 claimed the lives of more than 8,800 people and decimated the country. Almost a year on, thousands of survivors remain in desperate situations, and are particularly vulnerable during the current winter season.

Read more: Nepal - Support for earthquake survivors