Getting to know Norman and Lorna 

History and Interests 

LMI's Lorna and Norman in Budapest

Norman and Lorna met when they were both in the Faith Mission and married in 1979. They have four children and six grandchildren.  

Norman and Lorna served in England with the Faith Mission for twenty years before returning to Northern Ireland. They are active in their church, and are passionate about reaching out to people on a day-to-day basis – ready to share the Gospel with anyone they meet. They enjoy walking and time with their family. 

LMI Story 

Norman and Lorna began working with LMI in 2007, Norman as a volunteer Mission Representative, and Lorna as a staff member fulfilling the role: Bible Teaching Ministry Administrator and Mission Representative. Norman and Lorna regularly travel to meetings across Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland to highlight the work of LMI and to challenge Christians to become involved in mission. They are always ready to grasp any opportunity to minister God’s Word into people’s lives, and their energy and passion for God inspires everyone at LMI to keep ‘fighting the good fight’. 

As a couple they have been involved in LMI’s Summer Outreach Teams, taking the Good News of Jesus Christ to children in Serbia. Norman has also been a part of Overseas Ministry Programmes in Africa and Asia, helping to train pastors and leaders through LMI’s leadership seminars. 

LMI's Norman ministering on radio

Lorna’s office role means that she gets to help our distance-learning students by answering queries, dispatching courses and assigning new students to the course that will best suit them. In addition to mission representation, Norman also participates in evangelistic meetings. 

Lorna helping LMI's distance-learning students by answering queries

Favourite Bible Verse 

Lorna: ‘John 3:16 is my favourite verse – “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” I gave my heart to Jesus after someone explained to me that whosoever meant me.’ 

Norman: ‘My favourite verse is Isaiah 40:31 - "but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." ’