Annalong Presbyterian Church - Mission Weekend

Last Friday, Alan Dourish and Mark Vincent spoke at the opening night of the Annalong Presbyterian Church Missionary Weekend. 

Alan, who works in our Publishing and Communications Department, spoke about the work of LMI and shared a gospel presentation, while Mark, who volunteers with the mission, spoke about his experience as a member of the LMI Summer Outreach Team which travelled to Hungary last year.

Read more: Annalong Presbyterian Church - Mission Weekend

LMI Supporting School SU Groups

An important part of our work in schools is our ministry in Scripture Union groups. In addition to one-off visits, our team also conduct two or three week series in school SUs.

Alison Kernohan, LMI’s Youth & Schools Outreach Coordinator, says, “The 2/3 week SU series provide us with a great opportunity to really explore a topic more deeply with the SU group. It also enables us to build up a great relationship with the pupils and teachers that we meet”.

Read more: LMI Supporting School SU Groups

LMI Youth & Schools Outreach Team Update

The LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team have had a very busy month! They visited two new schools, Dromore High School and Strangford Integrated College, and also enjoyed visits to Clounagh Junior High, Carrickfergus Grammar and Parkhall Integrated College.

Here’s some photos from the team’s time at Strangford, along with an amazing quote from one pupil who shared about the impact the ministry had on her life.

Read more: LMI Youth & Schools Outreach Team Update