About Logos Ministries International (LMI)

LMI was set up in Belfast in 1977 by Thomas and Yvonne McClean, a young couple who had a burden for world mission and a desire to see other young adults become enthused about the Great Commission. Since then the organisation has grown from its humble beginnings as a missionary meeting in Thomas and Yvonne’s living room in East Belfast.  

The aim of our work is to serve the Church. While the hub of the organisation is our mission office in Ladas Drive, Belfast, LMI’s reach is truly global. With coordinators in ten countries, distance-learning students from thirteen nations, a youth and schools ministry reaching thousands of young people and the work of mission-mobilisation still at the forefront of what we do, LMI has developed by the grace of God and the generosity of His people.  

We do not receive any government funding, but we rely on donations from churches, individuals and trusts to fund all aspects of our work. 

As an organisation we are members of Global Connections and its Northern Ireland branch, Mission Agencies Partnership.


View our Statement of Faith

View our Mission Summary

View our Data Privacy Policy

View the History of LMI


Logos Ministries International Staff

LMI is served by a committed team of staff and volunteers:

Thomas & Yvonne McClean

Founders & LMI Mission Directors

Andrea Grattan

Office Manager

James Farmer

Overseas Ministry Programme Coordinator

Danny Roberts

Youth & Schools Outreach Coordinator

Matthew Winning

Youth & Schools Outreach Worker

Susan Hilton

Volunteer Bible Teaching Ministry Administrator

Rachel Dobson

Publishing & Communications Manager

Becky Watson

Creative Production Manager

Bethany Sanderson

Youth & Schools Outreach Worker

Molly Fairclough

Communications Worker

Molly Graham

Volunteer Bible Teaching Ministry Tutor

Tim Nixon

Volunteer IT Support

Carole Townley, LMI Finance Manager Support Photo
Carole Townley

Finance Manager

Declan Small

Digital Developer

Josh Brown

Youth & Schools Outreach Worker

Philip Orr

Mission Candidate

Lorna & Norman Wilkinson

Volunteer Mission Representatives