Farewell Alan

Farewell Alan and thank you for your service!
Today we said goodbye to our Communications Manager, Alan Dourish, after ten wonderful years in LMI.
We are so thankful to God for all the lives Alan has impacted during this period and his contribution to the growth and development of the ministry. He has faithfully served in raising awareness of the work, updating our supporters, growing our social media platform, highlighting our overseas partners and projects and much more besides!
While Alan’s main role in LMI has always been within our Communications Department, the scope of his service was definitely not limited to this area! Over the years, he has participated in various Overseas Ministry Programmes, including trips to Serbia, Hungary, the Philippines, Burundi, and Rwanda. He travelled the length and breadth of the province promoting LMI at churches, meetings and events; made a vital contribution to the development and distribution of resources around the world; and he even served within our Youth & Schools Outreach Department!
A man of many talents and above all else a servant heart! Thank you for your hard work and commitment to the Lord and mission, Alan. Thank you for serving so well and for being a fantastic colleague and friend to all in your LMI family.
We will miss you and we wish you God’s richest blessing for the next chapter!

Sanderson follow in founders footsteps

When newlyweds Bethany and Josh Sanderson arrive in Kenya as part of our Youth & Schools Outreach Ministry Team, they will be following in the footsteps of another young couple God took to the same wonderful country for their first ministry trip together in 1979 – our Mission Co-Founders and Directors, Thomas and Yvonne McClean! 
Naturally, Thomas has shared many of his missionary tales over the years, often highlighting the presence of ‘creepy crawlies’ not native to Northern Ireland in a bid to scare our travelling team members.

Read more: Sanderson follow in founders footsteps

Pastor Tibor completes Masters degree in Hungary

Heartfelt congratulations from everyone at LMI go to our ministry partner in Hungary, Pastor Tibor Szlovák, after he successfully completed a 2-year Master’s Degree at Baptist Theological Academy, Budapest, graduating on 29th June.
The focus of his degree was ‘God’s Kingdom in the New Testament’ and he achieved it Summa Cum Laude (meaning “with highest praise”).

Read more: Pastor Tibor completes Masters degree in Hungary

Dynamics of Discipleship Resource now available in Mandarin

Rachel’s smile said it all yesterday, as we took a massive step towards having our Dynamics of Discipleship (DoD) resource available in another language - Mandarin Chinese!
The document Rachel is holding contains the translated text. Once our internal review process is complete, making sure everything is ‘tip top’, we will move to design, printing and publication. Mandarin will then become the 14th DoD translation, joining other languages including French, Burmese, Bangla, Kiswahili and Urdu.

Read more: Dynamics of Discipleship Resource now available in Mandarin