LMI Philippines Trip Review

In October, LMI staff members Jonathan Winter and Alan Dourish returned from an Overseas Ministry Programme in the Philippines.

Thank you for your prayers for them and the ministry that they undertook.

Throughout the 24 days, the pair experienced many answered prayers.



Read more: LMI Philippines Trip Review

LMI Philippines Trip Update

At the moment our team in the Philippines are just over half way through their overseas ministry trip.

Last week they had the opportunity to teach Bible college students in Davao City, Mindanao.

Jonathan Winter lectured on "Anthropological Insights for Cross-Cultural Missions" and Alan Dourish conducted devotions with the students.


Read more: LMI Philippines Trip Update

Y&S Outreach Team Hit The Road

With 9 brand new programmes, bringing the total to 21, Alison, Becky and Danny will be covering lots of topics in RE classes, SU groups and youth groups across the country.

Please pray that the young people they meet will be receptive to the programmes and ask God to work mightily through the team this year.

We’re very excited this week as the LMI Youth and Schools Outreach Team take to the road for the 2015/16 academic year!

Read more: Y&S Outreach Team Hit The Road