THANK You once again, to your wonderful support for our overseas COVID-19 International Relief Campaign, 17 orphaned children in Rumonge Province, Burundi have been provided with 80 books and 80 pens for their school studies 📚🙂.
Since the arrival of the virus, poverty in Burundi has risen sharply, with people unable to work, sell produce, buy necessities etc. Without your support, it is possible that these students may not have received any materials to study with, as the finance would not have existed to purchase the items required.
Our Bible Teaching Ministry Representative in Burundi, Aloys Nduwindavyi, has been assisted by two of his colleagues and Co-Directors of Help Hands Africa (HHA) – Gloria who is a member of the LMI Bible Teaching Hub which meets in Bujumbura, and Nicole who is currently studying our Dynamics of Discipleship course.
In addition to providing practical help and support, including previously providing food parcels and soap, Aloys and his team are also committed to reaching people – including the children you see here – with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the most wonderful and important news anyone can hear! 👆🏻🙌🏻
To-date, eight countries across Africa and Asia have benefitted from LMI’s COVID-19 International Relief Campaign.
Click the following links, if you would like to know more about LMI’s COVID-19 International Relief Campaign, or wish to make a donation.