Confessions of a Cross-Cultural Missionary – Part Two


*Please note, that the names in this blog have been changed, and specific locations omitted to protect the identity of our missionaries and their team who are serving Christ in a sensitive country. 

Welcome back to the second and final part of our Confessions of a Cross-Cultural Missionary mini-series. In this instalment, we will be learning about some of the challenges and encouragements that our missionaries have experienced during their time in Southeast Asia, as well as gaining an insight into their vision for the future. 

Read more: Confessions of a Cross-Cultural Missionary – Part Two

What is Advent?

Advent is a hugely significant time in the life of every believer, as it is centred around the incarnation of God through Jesus Christ. In the Christian calendar, Advent takes place in the four weeks leading up to Christmas Day. This period of time is designed to help us focus our hearts on the coming of Christ all those years ago and praise the Lord in light of that.

Read more: What is Advent?

Confessions of a Cross-Cultural Missionary – Part One


*Please note, that the names in this blog have been changed, and specific locations omitted to protect the identity of our missionaries and their team who are serving Christ in a sensitive country.

John and Mary* have been serving with LMI as cross-cultural missionaries in Southeast Asia since September 2015. As it is coming up on their 10-year anniversary in the particular country in which they are working, we thought we’d sit down with them both to reflect upon and share some of their experiences and insights.


Read more: Confessions of a Cross-Cultural Missionary – Part One