An important part of our work in schools is our ministry in Scripture Union groups. In addition to one-off visits, our team also conduct two or three week series in school SUs.
Alison Kernohan, LMI’s Youth & Schools Outreach Coordinator, says, “The 2/3 week SU series provide us with a great opportunity to really explore a topic more deeply with the SU group. It also enables us to build up a great relationship with the pupils and teachers that we meet”.
From September 2014 – October 2015 our Youth & Schools Outreach Team delivered 12 sets of 2 or 3 week series in SUs. Some of the schools that received these programmes include: Sperrin Integrated College, Carrickfergus Grammar, Parkhall Integrated College, Lurgan Junior High, Bloomfield Collegiate, and Saintfield High.
This is what Hannah Hayes, Head of Senior SU at Bloomfield Collegiate said about the LMI visit, “The three week programme, Love is a Verb, was incredibly relevant and thought-provoking for us at Bloomfield SU. We loved how it brought us back to the Bible as we looked at several characters and stories from God’s Word, in addition to looking at modern day examples which inspired us as to how we can live out love in our daily walk with God.”
Mrs Derby, Teacher and SU Leader in Saintfield High School, wrote the following to our team: “The kids (and staff!) loved having you. Your presentation was so fresh, relevant and most importantly godly. Thank you for all the work you do so faithfully in schools.”
Please pray for our Youth and Schools Outreach work, and for their ministry in school Scripture Union groups in particular. Pray that God will use the team to encourage and strengthen young Christians.