We praise God for this exciting new church plant in Cankuzo Province, Burundi, led by a former student of LMI’s Leadership Study Programme and two formers participants in our ‘Dynamics of Discipleship’ course! 🎉😀
Although they have been meeting for a time, the church officially opened last Sunday when Aloys Nduwindavyi, LMI’s Bible Teaching Ministry Representative for Burundi, was the special guest.
While it is a long distance from his home in Bujumbura, the capital city, by God’s grace Aloys is hoping to organise future LMI leadership training and Bible teaching sessions in the Cankuzo area, blessing and strengthening this church and encouraging believers as they seek to make Jesus known in their homes and community 🇧🇮🙂
“I will build my church…” The words of Jesus recorded for us in Matthew 16:18 (ESV) ✝️