It isn’t every day that we feel drawn to talk about toilets online! Today, however, is an exception, as we celebrate the creation of new toilet facilities, supported by LMI, at a school in Uganda.
This connection came about through LMI’s ministry partner in Rwanda, Sawado Nshimyimana, whose colleague, Pastor Enoch, has planted a church at a refugee camp in Uganda. The church have recently established a school for refugee children, providing them with a degree of education, and an opportunity to simply be children, in the midst of extremely difficult circumstances.
Sawado commented, “Hello brother James, praise God with your support we have been able to dig a big toilets hole and now built 4 small rooms on it that mean 2 for males and 2 rooms for females.”
The camp includes refugees from nations such as Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, South Sudan and Somalia (the latter of which, as you may know, is a nation where Christians face terrible discrimination and persecution.
It is currently ranked Number 2 on Open Doors World Watch List:
Pastor Enoch was an attendee at the leadership seminars undertaken by LMI in Rwanda in 2022, when James Farmer, accompanied by Alan Dourish, delivered a series of lectures about the leadership principles that can be drawn from the example of the Apostle Paul (Pastor Enoch is pictured at the seminars wearing a chequered shirt).
By God’s grace, we hope that this practical help will bless the children as they study and enjoy school together, causing them to lift their eyes to Jesus. Please pray that they will come to know Him as their Lord and Saviour.
This project was undertaken as part of LMI’s Overseas Ministry Programme. You can find out more about the programme, and support the work we are doing in Uganda, Rwanda and around the world, at