The scope of work for LMI’s Youth and Schools Team is wide, with speaking engagements in churches and youth groups, delivering talks in school assemblies and leading Religious Education lessons. Yet, one key area of their ministry that may sometimes fly under the radar is the team’s involvement in youth weekends. These weekends offer incredible opportunities for fellowship, teaching God’s Word and encouraging young believers.
Each year, LMI participates in around five to eight weekend programmes – either with school or church groups. Typically, this involves leading four sessions from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, as well as often running fun games and activities on the Saturday night. The structure of the teaching is fairly similar to the kind that our team delivers in schools. However, it is more relaxed and personal, with lots of time given to discussions, quizzes and games to split things up and give everyone a chance to reflect on what they’re being taught.
God powerfully at work
We have seen God work in some incredible ways at youth weekends across the years. Building relationships in a more informal setting is always a real highlight for our team. As they do so, they are able to engage in those deeper conversations about life and faith that require a certain level of trust. Through this, they are able to provide valuable spiritual guidance and wisdom to young believers to bolster their faith.
One of the most impactful and moving weekends in which LMI has been involved in recent years took place last March in Castlewellan Castle. In attendance were young people from all over the Down and Dromore diocese. It was an intense few days, with a schedule packed with Bible teaching and fun-fuelled activities. But, amidst all the bustle and liveliness, it was great to see how keen the young people were to learn.
The Lord transforms lives at Castlewellan Castle
‘This is what drives us at LMI: seeing young lives changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.’
On the Sunday morning, our Youth & Schools Coordinator, Danny Roberts, was in charge of running the last session, which usually ends with a time of reflection. The night prior, a number of individuals had approached their youth leaders and shared their desire to commit their lives to Christ. The next morning, after Danny spoke, one of the leaders felt prompted to ask the group if anyone else was challenged by the message and wanted to respond. Then, they were invited to speak to their leaders. It was incredible to see 17 people come to faith that weekend – what an amazing demonstration of God’s grace!
At the end of a weekend, when energy is typically at its lowest, the whole team found themselves encouraged and revived by what happened. This is what drives us at LMI: seeing young lives changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
‘It was incredible to see 17 people come to faith that weekend – what an amazing demonstration of God’s grace!’
Our programmes
LMI’s weekend programmes have been specifically created by our Youth & Schools Team to cater to the unique opportunities of a youth weekend. Those currently on offer are:
Looking at how God uses individuals in the Bible, and the important role we play in impacting the people around us as we share the truth of Jesus.
Taken from the book ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’, Press On examines the book’s characters and particular issues within the story, such as friendship, doubt, trials and encouragements.
This programme considers the riches God has given His people, what it means to be united to Christ and with one another, including practical reflection as to how this affects our lives
Book now and beat the rush!
We are always looking for new opportunities to share God’s Word with the next generation of Christians. However, due to the size of our team and the demand for their services, we are limited in terms of how many weekend programmes we can deliver in a year. We are currently taking bookings for the autumn term, so be sure to get in contact as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. You can do so by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phoning our office. Our youth and schools workers are available to speak at youth weekends, like those outlined, as well as school assemblies, RE lessons and church youth groups
How can you get involved?
If you recognise the value in LMI’s youth and schools work, we would greatly appreciate your support. We offer all our services to churches and schools for free. However, this does not mean, that they are free to run. In order to keep working this way, we rely on donations from fellow believers. If you feel that you could help us in this way, follow this link
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