Exciting developments
Up until more recent years, our courses were delivered exclusively via distance learning. Yet, we were burdened to make our biblically sound and practical material accessible to a greater audience.
Therefore, two strategic decisions were taken:
- Resources
One was to launch an eight-part group Bible study – Dynamics of Discipleship – which would function as a free resource for churches and leaders around the world to use in whichever way best suited their context. As it would not be a marked course, it would enable us to translate the study into various languages and create an opportunity for believers to come together to learn from God’s Word.
- Introduction of LMI Bible Teaching Hubs
We also made the decision to establish a number of LMI Hubs, under the supervision and authority of trusted individuals. Again, the exact outworkings of this varied in different locations. For some, they studied the material themselves and then taught what they had learned to others. In other places, students were directly taught and supervised as they worked through the required assignments, which were then marked by hub leaders. This would also be a group learning environment, spurring participants to persevere with their studies and draw insights and perspectives from one another. We are delighted by what has been achieved so far, as learning really is better together!
Current Hubs
Whilst we have focused in previous updates on the incredible impact and reach of our Dynamics of Discipleship Bible study resource, here’s a brief summary of the current LMI Hubs and how they are making a difference...
LMI’s partner in Burundi, Aloys Nduwindavyi, was one of the first people with whom we established an LMI Bible Teaching Hub. In fact, it was through correspondence with Aloys and another person who was also enrolled in our Leadership Study Programme at the time that the vision for hubs was initiated. Aloys had been making notes on the textbook he was studying and had made a 72 km roundtrip at his own initiative and expense to teach leaders. He said,
“The good news here, the module I have is helping me and as [a] church leader. I use it to train my team leaders, and I can see the good leader multiplication. I thank God for LMI to reach Burundi. My heart is to help many church leaders from here because I see the need.”
This was just the beginning! Aloys has since become a substantial LMI partner, with whom we have worked on a number of initiatives over the years. Wonderfully, the LMI Hub in Burundi continues today, and shortly a group of ten individuals will begin their study of LMI’s Biblical Foundations Course (BFC), under the supervision of Aloys and his team. Please pray for this important kingdom-building work.
Speaking about this latest development, Aloys wrote the following: “I am very glad to work in partnership with LMI. Praise God for His guidance. I want to let you know that I had asked God for this way of using the LMI’s BFC. So, this is the answer of my request.”
Beginning in 2019, the Kenya Hub has been delivering both LMI courses and resources. In the past, individuals have completed our Christian Education Programme (now retired), and more recently, in August 2024, Biblical Foundations Course. A second class of BFC students are nearing completion of their studies, following the graduation of the first cohort last summer. Salome Adhiambo, who was the student leader of this first class, gave a speech at the graduation, expressing her thanks to LMI and requesting more courses.
Having the opportunity to study good, biblical material, free of charge, is something our students cherish and for which they are extremely grateful.
Southeast Asia
The reach of LMI’s Bible teaching work, and indeed our hubs, extends beyond prison walls. In Southeast Asia, under the supervision of our cross-cultural missionaries, John and Mary, women in a ladies’ prison are participating in BFC. A number of the women have come to faith during their time in prison, which makes the course all the more challenging and impactful. They haven’t had firsthand experience of certain aspects of Christian life, such as belonging to a church with a minister/pastor and elders. Therefore, the more direct supervision and teaching from the hub is especially valuable, as they begin to wrestle with these unfamiliar concepts.
John shared the following about the hopes he and Mary have for the ladies’ involvement in the course: “Our prayer is that these women will be equipped to share their faith one on one. Also, that when they are released, they can be involved in women’s ministry in a church.”
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17; ESV)
Please help us to continue this vital work Providing our Bible teaching courses and resources free of charge is something about which we are deeply passionate, and yet it comes with considerable financial expense. From translation fees, printing costs, postage of printed material (as required), sponsorship of LMI’s hub work, the cost to run our IT system and so forth, the needs are great. And yet, we know that the impact of this work is tremendous and ever-expanding. Please partner with us in investing in LMI’s Bible teaching endeavours, so that we can continue to provide sound biblical teaching. If you are able to give towards this work, you can do so online. Your support in this way will be deeply appreciated.