Youth Programme Descriptions


Youth Programmes

The LMI 'Choice and Consequences' Youth Programme from LMIChoices and Consequences. Every day we make decisions, or decisions are made for us by others, that could impact the rest of our lives to varying degrees. When it comes to making wise choices, God’s word is our guide, but what does it say? How do we respond when the consequences of our decisions are not what we expected or hoped? 


'Got Questions' Youth Programme from LMIGot Questions.  Young people have many questions about God and Christianity. Through this programme we aim to answer some key questions and provide an opportunity to explore what Christianity is all about.



'So Loved' Youth and Schools Programme from LMISo Loved.   We address key issues that affect young people’s perceptions of themselves and discuss what God thinks as revealed in the Bible.



'Go' Youth Programme from LMI

Go.  How can we best serve God in our schools, families and communities? Christians are commanded to ‘go’ into all the world, and this programme encourages young people to think about what that may mean for their lives.



'Onesimus' Youth Programme from LMI

Onesimus.  This programme explores how God uses individuals and what can be achieved when He steps into an ordinary life. As we look at the lives of Onesimus, Hosea, Paul, and the man with the legion of demons, we see how God works in amazing ways to fulfil His plans and purposes.


'Women of Worth' Youth Programme from LMI

Women of Worth.  This programme examines the roles of several women in the Bible, as well as some Christian heroines from the history of the Church, to highlight the impact they made.



LMI Take The Stand Youth Programme

Take The Stand.  We aim to inspire young Christians to share their faith with others by challenging them to take their stand for God, and by providing practical tips and biblical examples along the way.



LMI's Suit Up Schools SU Programme

Suit Up. In a time and place where it can be hard to be a Christian, we take an in-depth look at the armour of God – how it can help us, and why we need to put it on.