We’re thrilled to have the LMI Coordinators for Central and Eastern Europe, Pastor Tibor and Ági Szlovák, back in Northern Ireland once more.

Together with LMI staff, they will be visiting churches and groups across the province, explaining about their ministry, their connection with LMI, and encouraging Christians to get involved in mission.

We would be delighted if you could join us at one of the meetings, the details of which are listed below -

Sunday 29th April:
10am – Glenelly Presbyterian Church
11.10am – Corrick Presbyterian Church
12.20am – Badoney Presbyterian Church
8pm – Ballyalbany Presbyterian Church

Tuesday 1st May:
10.30am – John White Memorial Congregational Church, Belfast 
7.30pm – Ballybeen City Mission, Dundonald

Wednesday 2nd May:
8pm - Castlewellan Presbyterian Church

Sunday 6th May:
11am – Hillhall Presbyterian Church, Lisburn
7pm – 2nd Newtownards Presbyterian Church

LMI Coordinators for Central and Eastern Europe, Pastor Tibor and Ági Szlovák, back in Northern Ireland for a ministry update.