Dear Friends,

Over the last 46 years, we have witnessed the Lord take what He called us to do and transform it in an amazing way, from a small group of young people meeting in a house in East Belfast, into an international mission with four distinct yet united areas of ministry and fifteen overseas partners.

We give all the glory to God and are deeply thankful and humbled by His grace, help and provision. And we want to thank you, God’s people - individuals and churches - who have stood with us in the past and who continue to do so, providing the financial and prayerful support that enables LMI to grow and develop.

It is only by God’s grace, and with your support, that we have made it to this point. And, as we look to the future, our need of both will only increase as the mission reaches out further and wider around the world.

Of course, as the mission has changed, so too has the world. The costs associated with managing and resourcing an international ministry have grown, especially in recent times. This is not only true overseas, where costs can fluctuate wildly and emergency/urgent needs are common, but also here at home. Over the last two years, we have witnessed a five-figure increase in the finance needed to run our headquarters in terms of heating, lighting, office equipment, I.T. and more.

Serving Christ, Wherever Needed Most

Recognising this, and wanting to ensure that funds entrusted to LMI get to the areas of the ministry in greatest need of financial help, be that locally or globally, we are making a special appeal for people and churches to give regularly towards our work via the ‘Wherever Needed Most’ Fund. By partnering with LMI in this way, you will help to ensure that we have a strong, solid foundation to react with maximum speed and effectiveness as needs arise.

This is not to say that we want to remove your freedom to give to specific areas of the mission (if you want to give to a particular project, we will happily honour the directions you give in relation to allocation). Rather, this appeal is an opportunity to support the full scope of the work, knowing that your giving will make a difference from Belfast to Bangladesh to Burundi, and far beyond.

How to Take Action / Your response

To make a commitment to support LMI on a regular basis, visit our Wherever Need Most Fund Appeal. A regular contribution of £10, £20, £30, or whatever you can give, will be a tremendous help.

The ‘Wherever Needed Most’ Fund will play a key role in the development of the ministry for years to come, and we would be delighted and excited to have you involved. Working together in Gospel partnership, we know that much more can be achieved for God’s glory, for the benefit of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, and for many who are yet to hear about the Saviour.

If you are unable to make a commitment to support the ‘Wherever Needed Most’ Fund on a regular basis, a one-off gift at this time will help the immediate needs that we have in relation to the day-to-day running costs of the mission and other specific projects that we are currently undertaking.

Thank you for your continuing interest in the work of LMI, for which we are truly grateful. We trust you will prayerfully consider this special partnership appeal.

Yours in His Service,

Thomas and Yvonne McClean

LMI Co-Founders and Directors