Heartfelt congratulations from everyone at LMI go to our ministry partner in Hungary, Pastor Tibor Szlovák, after he successfully completed a 2-year Master’s Degree at Baptist Theological Academy, Budapest, graduating on 29th June.
The focus of his degree was ‘God’s Kingdom in the New Testament’ and he achieved it Summa Cum Laude (meaning “with highest praise”).
In further recognition of his dedication and attentiveness, Pastor Tibor was also awarded the prestigious Géza Páth Award by the Senate of the Academy, who noted that he “completed his MA course with exemplary standing and excellent results as a retired pastor. He was always present in the classes, and performed outstandingly in the TDK competition. He was an example to his fellow students and actively supported them.” 
Having worked with Pastor Tibor and his wonderful wife, Agi, for 20 years, these words come as no surprise. His communication skills, organisational skills – and deep love for God and His Word – all become quickly apparent when you meet him, and he is a very fine ministry partner and co-worker for Christ .
As you may know, the couple have visited Northern Ireland on several occasions, ministering in word and song in many local churches, and raising support for work undertaken in partnership with LMI in Central and Eastern Europe. Indeed, Lord willing, a children’s summer camp will take place in Orgovány, Hungary next month, continuing an annual feature of our partnership (the first camp sponsored by LMI took place in 2012).
We give thanks for Pastor Tibor and pray God’s richest blessing upon him and Agi as they continue to serve Jesus and seek to make Him known