In the lead up to our anniversary celebrations we thought we would share a few pictures from the beginning of the ministry. This is the tip of the iceberg folks, more to follow! 

If you would like to attend the LMI 40th anniversary event in Dundonald, you can register your interest here.



Yvonne McClean (LMI Co-Founder) speaking at one of the YEMF missionary weekends in Castlewellan Castle, Co. Down

Yvonne McClean (LMI Co-Founder) speaking at one of the YEMF missionary weekends in Castlewellan Castle, Co. Down

Some of the attendees at YEMF weekend in Castlewellan.

Some of the attendees at a Castlewellan weekend

Early YEMF house meeting

Early YEMF house meeting

Mary Wilson (AIM missionary) with a group of YEMF young people

Mary Wilson (AIM missionary) with a group of YEMF young people