A Word For Your Week: Deuteronomy 31:8

LMI's A Word For Your Week Devotional taken from Deuteronomy 31:8

The time had come for Moses to step aside as leader of the Israelites and commission his servant Joshua to be his successor. God had been preparing Joshua for this responsibility for many years yet it was a daunting task to be called to fulfil. Moses encouraged Joshua that God would go before His people and help them conquer the land and destroy the godless nations in Canaan.

In v8 The Lord reminds Joshua who is in CONTROL: ‘It is the Lord who goes before you’.

Read more: A Word For Your Week: Deuteronomy 31:8

A Word For Your Week: Revelation 5:9-10

LMI's A Word For Your Week Devotional taken from Revelation 5:9-10

Do you like to hear the words and melody of a new song? In the amazing revelation give to the apostle John we are told of a new song. It will still be a new song when we join the heavenly choir for all eternity!

It focuses on the only one who is worthy of our praise, the Lord Jesus who was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. He died so that we can live forever with Him in the eternal glory of heaven. His resurrection overcame the power of death. What a day it will be when we hear people from every tribe, nation and language singing the song of the Lamb!

Read more: A Word For Your Week: Revelation 5:9-10

Chennai Overseas Ministry Update - January 2021

LMI’s Coordinator in Chennai, India was able to provide homeless people with clothing and food parcels over Christmas 2020.
Thanks to your wonderful support, LMI’s Coordinator in Chennai, India was able to provide homeless people with clothing and food parcels over Christmas 🥻 🍛 🙂.
As the great reformer Martin Luther once said, “God does not need your good works, but your neighbour does.” May the Lord bless these efforts and may they result in both physical relief and opportunities for evangelism 🗯 ✝️.

A Word For Your Week: John 14

LMI's A Word For Your Week Devotional taken from John 14:16

Jesus answered ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’

The Lord Jesus was preparing the disciples for the time He was going to return to His Father in heaven. He gave them comfort by promising He was not only going to prepare a place for them but that He was coming back to take them there. Jesus told them they knew the way to the place He was going to. Thomas said they did not know where Jesus was going so how could they know the way to that place.

Read more: A Word For Your Week: John 14