With a burden to preach and teach in remote areas of Nepal, LMI’s partner in the nation cares deeply about the spiritual and practical needs faced by his fellow countrymen and women. He helps to encourage local Christian leaders and is also responsible for operating two youth hostels, providing a home for forty young people.

Christianity in Nepal 

As Christians in Nepal, LMI’s partner and the Nepalese church come under much scrutiny, often resulting in hostility and persecution from religious hardliners of the majority religion. Indeed, believers in Nepal can be imprisoned for simply sharing the gospel. Despite this, our partner has a great vision for the future. In addition to youth hostel management, our partner in Nepal is also involved in church planting, the organisation of leadership training events in remote villages to help rural churches and helping those most in need with practical support for improved livelihoods and sustainable living. 

We would like to continue to assist this wonderful work and we would truly value your support as we seek to show the love of Christ and edify His people through our ongoing partnership in Nepal.



Partnership Goals

Leadership Training. We want to sponsor more indigenous leadership seminars for pastors and Christian leaders, particularly those in rural areas who have little opportunity or access to sound Bible teaching and training events for encouragement.

Orphanage Support. Together with his wife, Rebekah, Pastor Hom run two orphanages for children who have been abandoned or whose parents are unable to care for them (often due to alcohol and drug additions). It is our desire to support this work by providing funds to help with operational costs and seasonal gifts for the children. 

Vehicle. The work which LMI’s partner and his colleagues are engaged in would benefit greatly from the provision of a robust, four-wheeled vehicle. They currently use motorbikes, but the difficult, mountainous terrain makes this very dangerous. A robust vehicle would enable them to travel to remote places to conduct training and outreach work. It would also provide a means of transporting children safely to school and bringing produce to market, which helps to fund the running costs of the hostel.

Sending LMI Teams. Building on the success of previous visits, we hope to send further LMI ministry teams to Nepal to train Christian leaders and bring encouragement to Nepalese churches.

Support for Pastor Hom and Rebekah. We would like to support LMI’s partner with provision for personal needs as he continues to serve the Lord at the youth hostel and through the various ministry endeavours he is involved in.


Join Us

Your prayerful and financial involvement in LMI’s Global Partnerships will make a huge difference, both to our partner in Nepal and to those whom he seeks to help. Please consider joining us in this venture as we aim to further assist God’s servant in his work.