LMI launch new 'God's Emerald's' Mission Blog Series

We are thrilled to launch a brand new blog series today, ‘God’s Emerald's: The Impact of Irish Christians on Mission’ ✝️☘️🙂.

Join Declan Small, LMI’s Digital Developer and Mission Awareness Worker, as he examines how God has used Christians from ‘The Emerald Isle’ to further the Gospel, such as famous missionary Amy Carmichael and many others who have served Christ near and far.

Read more: LMI launch new 'God's Emerald's' Mission Blog Series

YSO Team visit two SU groups at Clounagh Junior High School

Danny Roberts and Lucy McAllister had a great time with the two SU groups at Clounagh Junior High School yesterday, working through our ‘Love is a Verb’ programme

Danny Roberts and Lucy McAllister had a great time with the two SU groups at Clounagh Junior High School yesterday, working through our ‘Love is a Verb’ programme ❤️💬🙂.

As you have likely noticed, our Youth & Schools Outreach Department have been extremely busy in recent months (hallelujah! 🙌🏻), and there’s no let up today either, with Danny currently in London filming videos for Shine ‘22 and Lucy working hard in our office. They don’t know the meaning of the word “stop”! 💪🏻😎.

Read more: YSO Team visit two SU groups at Clounagh Junior High School

Youth & Schools Outreach Team visit Rasharkin Presbyterian Youth

We’re very thankful for the excellent time enjoyed by Lucy McAllister and Josh Brown (LMI Youth & Schools Outreach Volunteer) at Rasharkin Presbyterian Youth on Sunday night, when they delivered part two of our ‘Onesimus’ programme 💬🙂

Studying the lives of Onesimus, Hosea, Paul - and the man with the legion of demons - ‘Onesimus’ explores how God uses individuals and what can be achieved when He steps into an ordinary life.

Read more: Youth & Schools Outreach Team visit Rasharkin Presbyterian Youth

Message of Encouragement from Bangladesh

Wonderful news from Pastor L, LMI’s Representative in Bangladesh 🇧🇩🙂: “I would like to let you know that God added another 2 more new members into His family from Mru (Mro), the unreached tribal people. Also had wonderful time with our workers in their village. Hope they will come continually.”
At present, the Mru people group is 96% Buddhist. You can read more about their history, culture and beliefs on the Joshua Project website.

Read more: Message of Encouragement from Bangladesh