LMI delighted to attend Bangor Worldwide

LMI are attending the 2022 Bangor Worldwide Missionary Conference based on the theme 'Compelled'.

It's that time of year again, when we get the LMI flags out for the Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention!

The theme for this years conference , which takes place between Friday 19th and Sunday 28th August is COMPELLED, inspired by Paul’s letter to the Corinthians.

The majority of events will be held at Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church but there will also be meetings in the neighbouring Baptist Church and in First Bangor Presbyterian Church.

Read more: LMI delighted to attend Bangor Worldwide

Bethany Pierce to complete her student placement with LMI

LMI are delighted to have Bethany Pierce back to complete her student placement with LMI.

As you may remember, Bethany - who is studying with our friends at Belfast Bible College - was with us for a week in May, when she helped to film material for Shine 2022 (more info on that coming soon!), and now we are thrilled to have her back with us for another three weeks. 

Read more: Bethany Pierce to complete her student placement with LMI

Bethany Pierce to complete her student placement with LMI

LMI are delighted to have Bethany Pierce back to complete her student placement with LMI.

As you may remember, Bethany - who is studying with our friends at Belfast Bible College - was with us for a week in May, when she helped to film material for Shine 2022 (more info on that coming soon!), and now we are thrilled to have her back with us for another three weeks. 

Read more: Bethany Pierce to complete her student placement with LMI

LMI lead devotions at North St First Carrickfergus Presbyterian Church

The LMI trio of Matthew Winning, Alison Kernohan and Alan Dourish, met with young people and leaders at the annual Youth Camp at North Street First Carrickfergus Presbyterian Church.

LMI’s involvement started on Monday, when Matthew and Alan travelled over for the evening worship session, with the former providing a devotional talk on evangelism. Then, yesterday afternoon, Alison joined Matthew to lead two sessions of the ‘GO’ programme from our Youth & Schools Outreach Team, which explores Jesus’ command to ‘Go’ (Matthew 28) and how we can best serve God in our daily lives.

Read more: LMI lead devotions at North St First Carrickfergus Presbyterian Church