LMI Youth & Schools Outreach - 2018/19 Statistics

As the 2018/19 school year passes into history, and young minds are fully engaged in ‘holiday mode,’ now is a wonderful time to reflect and praise God for another super year for LMI’s Youth & Schools Outreach Team!

Alison, Becky, Danny, Catalin and Alan have worked hard this year, using their interactive programmes to engage with more than 3600 pupils on a wide range of topics. For every RE class, SU session or event, we give thanks and praise to God! 

Read more: LMI Youth & Schools Outreach - 2018/19 Statistics

Celebrating 30 Years of Ministry to Young People

LMI's Youth and Schools Outreach 30 Year Anniversary

2019 is a significant year for LMI as it marks the 30th birthday of the Youth & Schools Outreach Department. That’s three decades of school visits, youth meetings and outreach programmes, and as a result, over 112,000 young people who have heard our teams down through the years. Not only that, but through special distribution projects, over 25,000 Jesus videos, thousands of Jesus magazines, in excess of 7,000 copies of Seriously Rich by Richard Pidgley, and hundreds of copies of Made to be Me by Shell Perris, were given to pupils free of charge in addition to other Christian literature.

Read more: Celebrating 30 Years of Ministry to Young People

LMI Leadership Training in Uganda

This was the plea that we received in December last year after LMI’s Kenya Coordinator, Pastor Eric Ngala Mutumbi, travelled to Uganda to provide two days of leadership training for Christian leaders, sponsored by LMI.

Sixty-seven leaders, and more than twenty young people, attended the sessions, which explored various topics from Ephesians 4. One result of the training was that a number of attendees said they would now be better equipped to spot false teachers, while others emphasised how their new knowledge would help them lead their congregations better.

Read more: LMI Leadership Training in Uganda