New Toilet School Facilities In Uganda

It isn’t every day that we feel drawn to talk about toilets online! Today, however, is an exception, as we celebrate the creation of new toilet facilities, supported by LMI, at a school in Uganda.
This connection came about through LMI’s ministry partner in Rwanda, Sawado Nshimyimana, whose colleague, Pastor Enoch, has planted a church at a refugee camp in Uganda. The church have recently established a school for refugee children, providing them with a degree of education, and an opportunity to simply be children, in the midst of extremely difficult circumstances.

Kinyarwanda Bible Distribution in Uganda

LMI are absolutely thrilled to receive these photos from Rwanda, where our partner, Sawado Nshimyimana, and his colleagues will shortly distribute copies of God’s Word to new believers in Kinyarwanda (their heart language).
Sawado (who is wearing the black jumper) commented, “With your support we brought and distribute 92 Kinyarwanda bibles to some of our LMI students who do discipleship at their communities and churches.”

Read more: Kinyarwanda Bible Distribution in Uganda

Myanmar Spring 2024 Update

We recently received the following report and photographs from LMI’s ministry partner in Myanmar, Dr T. Seldom will you come across an update which inspires such thankfulness to God for His amazing grace, while simultaneously reminding us of the evil and peril present in this world.

As you read the report below, we would ask you to join with Dr T and the people of Myanmar in prayer.

Read more: Myanmar Spring 2024 Update

Hope Is Here Devotional | Day Twelve

"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."
Philippians 1:6 KJV

Philippians is a book that is full of hope. It was written by Paul for the purpose of encouraging the believers in the church in their faith, and also to thank them for their continued support. The interesting thing is that Paul wrote the book while he was in prison, so he could very easily have felt sorry for himself. And yet, throughout the letter, what we read is full of joy! This is because his focus was not on himself but on God.

Read more: Hope Is Here Devotional | Day Twelve