Matthew Winning speaks at football camp at Lowe Memorial

A terrific photo of Matthew speaking to more than 100 young people yesterday, at the week-long football camp organised by Lowe Memorial Church Belfast.
Matthew shared the Gospel with those gathered, pointing them to Jesus in a message he entitled, ‘The Greatest Substitute’.
After the session, he also shared with the camp leaders, opening God’s Word for them to Mark 4 and The Parable of the Sower.

Beersheba House Update

LMI are delighted to report  that we have helped to fit out Beersheba House, a missionary training centre in Burundi through LMI’s Overseas Ministry Programme!
Located in the hills above Rumonge, the centre offers individuals and families the opportunity to meet with our partner, Aloys Nduwindavyi, for intensive missions training.

Read more: Beersheba House Update

Burundi Partner provides training to local Church Leaders

We were delighted to receive this update from our partner in Burundi, Aloys Nduwindavyi, after he spent several days using materials provided by LMI to train church leaders in relation to Servant Leadership and Business-as-Mission.
Aloys explained, “By God’s grace, three leaders - Claude, Philippe and Diomede - completed five days of training. They were very much helped by the LMI materials.
Diomede, who has been a pastor for three years, described the training as one of the most important things to happen during his ministry. He is now going to use LMI’s ‘Foundations’ resource in his Sunday School and Bible Union group at Mishiha in Cankuzo Province, which borders Tanzania.

Read more: Burundi Partner provides training to local Church Leaders

South Sudan Partner elevated to Bishop

Sincere and heartfelt congratulations from everyone at LMI go to our Overseas Ministry Partner in South Sudan, James Baak, after his recent elevation to the position of Rt. Rev’d James Baak Nhial, Suffragan Bishop of Lietnhom Area Diocese!
Pictured here during the ceremony, Bishop Baak has persevered in his ministry through some extremely difficult times in his home nation, seeking to be a light for Christ during a protracted civil war.

Read more: South Sudan Partner elevated to Bishop