Hope Is Here Devotional | Day Two

When I was 16 years old, I was involved in a ‘street reach’ event in Moira. My church, along with three other churches in the area, would spend the week serving the community in whatever way we could. One of those ways was by forming a choir that would visit the local care homes to sing for the residents, which was an absolute delight.
One song that was chosen for the choir to sing, and this was the first time I’d ever heard it, was ‘My Troubled Soul’ by Philippa Hanna. It has stuck with me and has frequently ‘popped’ into my head when I really needed its sweet words. It’s a song based on Psalm 42:5; “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.”

Read more: Hope Is Here Devotional | Day Two

Hope Is Here Devotional | Day One

“Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?” Genesis 18:25 (ESV)
The verse that I have chosen is, admittedly, not one that immediately jumps to the forefront of most people’s minds when they think about hope. And yet, this verse reminds us that above all that happens in this world – from major atrocities, terrorism and crime, to lies, lust and much more besides – there is a Judge who will ensure that justice is done. ‘Long runs the fox’, goes the phrase, but even the fox passes away.

Read more: Hope Is Here Devotional | Day One

Bye Bye Alison

It's another sad day, as we say goodbye to Alison Kernohan, who has been with LMI since 2012!

Alison began at LMI as a Youth & Schools Outreach worker, and visited schools across the country teaching the Bible and the truth that comes from it. She then became the Coordinator of the department, and helped to nurture the team as it grew and reached further.

After 8 years in the Youth & Schools Outreach team, she then moved into the Bible Teaching Ministry, becoming the Coordinator. Since then she has facilitated the move of our courses online, as well as a huge growth in our 'Dynamics of Discipleship' resource being used to teach and disciple believers across much of Africa and Asia.

Read more: Bye Bye Alison

Traversing The nation - DoD Appeal

Looking back over forty-six years in ministry, we recognise that there are moments in life when God moves in an entirely unexpected way, and a new and exciting opportunity suddenly appears. Such is the case with ‘Dynamics of Discipleship’, an LMI Bible teaching resource that was initially produced many years ago for an English-speaking audience. Following an extensive revision and relaunch in 2018, it has exploded in popularity and is now traversing nations in a way no-one could have predicted. With your support, and by God’s grace, we want to take this resource even further.

Read more: Traversing The nation - DoD Appeal