Willie McComb - God's Emerald's Mission Blog

LMI are delighted to announce the our new God's Emerald's Mission Blog article on Willie McComb and his service in Brazil, which later established Acre Gospel Mission.
We at LMI honour Willie and Margaret McComb for their heart and passion to serve God on the mission field, and for being an inspiration to so many believers at that time and since. They sacrificed so much and God, in His goodness and faithfulness, gave them a harvest which continues to be reaped.

Read more: Willie McComb - God's Emerald's Mission Blog

Danny Roberts Mayors Chaplaincy draws to a close

Today marked the end of a very special year for Danny Roberts, as his time as The Mayor’s Chaplain at Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council drew to a close.
Indebted to the outgoing Mayor, Councillor Andrew Gowan, for giving him the opportunity to serve in this important role, Danny spoke at the beginning of each council meeting, and at many special events, when he opened the Bible to share from God’s Word; encouraged listeners to consider the Gospel message; and shared from his own story, of God’s grace in his life.

Read more: Danny Roberts Mayors Chaplaincy draws to a close

Josh Sanderson leads prayer time

It was terrific to have Josh Sanderson with us today, to share from God’s Word during our latest prayer time. Josh, who is part of our Youth & Schools Outreach Team travelling to Kenya this summer, opened the Scriptures to Luke 10, and encouraged us to think about how we can strike the right balance between serving like Martha and worshipping like Mary.
While he certainly gave us something excellent to think about, understandably, a few minds did wander slightly today, as there is a very important event taking place this Saturday… BETHANY AND JOSH ARE GETTING MARRIED!

Ivory Coast Update

It was wonderful to receive this recent update from our ministry partner in Ivory Coast, Pastor James Wheagar, as he continues to use French Bible teaching resources provided by LMI to bless and strengthen the Church in his home nation.
Pastor James said, "By the grace of God, last week I had a training seminar with a group of Christian leaders to introduce them to the lessons of LMI. It was in Bouaké, a city located in the center of our country. Glory to God, the program went very well.

Read more: Ivory Coast Update